Friday, July 9, 2010

High School Disciplinary Probation

curb abuses must never lose hope, MG

Congress debate first lower the 1988 Coastal Act

Canaria and CiU coalition force a vote on how to stop the demolitions
RAFAEL MENDEZ - Madrid - 09/07/2010 El Pais

Congress first debated reform draft for lowering the Coastal Act of 1988. Another rule will not have much to do, the Marine Act, which Canary Coalition has submitted amendments to reduce the demolitions and respect the existing homes in the public domain. The PSOE and the PP opposes frowns no cut policy that many votes demolition costs and creates headaches.

The Coastal Act was a melon that nobody dared to open . Adopted in 1988, publicly stated policy throughout the English coast. For those who have a house built on sand legally, the law devised a unique system of compensation: the state let them use their properties up 60 but could not sell them. After that period would by the state to be demolished. The idea was to clean the coast of cement.
The law was fulfilled in the medium gas until 2004, when Cristina Narbona led ministry that accelerated the boundaries (the process to define the public and private area of \u200b\u200bcoastline). Today is demarcated 92% of the nearly 8,000 miles of coastline and reach the litigation process, demolition, complaints to Brussels, mobilization and, finally, the parliamentary debate.
popular spokesman on Environment, Carlos Floriano, says still have no fixed position but does not shy away from the debate: "It is a sacred law has failed its objective, since in these 20 years of operation of the rule is where the coast has suffered more attacks. He has failed to reconcile the environment and respect for private property.
acquired rights were being violated by many people through confiscatory proceedings. "
requests an amendment to reform the law in three months to" review the criteria for delimitation of maritime-terrestrial public domain applicable to consolidated urban areas with singularities "and gives as examples the urbanization of Santa Margarita (Roses, Girona) and the Marina of Empuriabrava. Pere Macias, CiU, says that" in some cases the law is excessive "and that cases like which cites "are in Spain." Macias notes that many of those affected by the law are foreigners, which has earned the Government claims the UK and Germany.
Amendments Canarian Coalition (CC) go much further and give powers to coastal communities. The party calls for "respect the existing buildings and uses" on the coast, though the entry into force of the law was not classified as urban land. CC and PP approved a regional law that saved houses on the beach for their "ethnographic value, but the norm is contested by the Government in the Constitution. Now intends to introduce in Congress to designate the building community to "values historical, ethnographic, architectural and picturesque, that it should be maintained according to their seniority integration in the littoral and social purpose. "

The CP is added to the criticism of the rule and may create a majority for reform

The BNG has not amended the law, but not because I want to keep it as is. submitted another bill to legalize rural communities built before the law but not recognized in this, as the case of Marín (Pontevedra). "We will not open the issue of boundaries, but we are willing to talk about how to save these buildings on the coast of Galicia and Asturias, "says Olaya Fernández MP.
The Environment Ministry has refused to comment on the amendments. The ministry has already submitted a reform point of the rule to allow the houses bought and sold legally on the beach built before 1988. This change was introduced through another law, sleep for a year and a half in a drawer of Congress. The ministry itself has chosen to apply the law less harshly, at least publicly, that the old equipment.
Environmentalists fear that the pressure to impose a cut end. "In Spain the public's expense is recognized Alfonso X the Wise. For the safety of people, the coastal strip should not address and occupation No illegal should prevail over the general interest, "says Rita Rodriguez, WWF, an organization that is alarmed at the movements against one of the most important laws on environment and sustainable.
http://www.elpais EL PAIS .com/articulo/sociedad/Congreso/debate/primera/vez/rebajar/Ley/Costas/1988/elpepisoc/20100709elpepisoc_3/Tes


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