Friday, July 30, 2010

Raw Honey X Honey Drops

National Court annuls the demarcation of the Punta Long (CANDELARIA) Information

Canary ABC
Day Sentence of the Court, dated July 16, cancels the demarcation of the maritime public domain land in the Long Point area in the municipality of Candelaria Tenerife. The document, which has been ABC access, side affects to the creation of Long Point Beach, the great urban project of socialist Gumersindo Garcia to qualify the coast of the southern district.
According to counsel for the plaintiffs (three residents affected), José Ortega, counsel for the National Platform of People Affected by the Coastal Act, the sentence prevent the implementation of the pedestrian path projected in the La Galera not take place until a remapping. In addition, it will be reviewed at this point the General Management Plan (PGO) in the municipality and recovery orders are void possessory and punitive actions that already have final decision in all cases with demolition orders. "These people have suffered greatly, and after much struggle and begin to see the light" indicates the Valencian lawyer.
For Ortega, this is a sentence "pioneer" in the archipelago is going to set a "great precedent" for future litigation in the Canary Islands. In fact, notes that "can be an instrument to check most of the demarcations made in the Canaries, because in them, unlike what happens in the Peninsula, the boundary is decided by the scope of the storms, defined by observation directly and without a trial. " The boundary was adopted on September 21, 2006 on a stretch of coast 958 meters from the current fish sanctuary and the beach of Punta Larga. The neighbors, whose gardens are affected by future pedestrian trail, argued in his lawsuit that at no time were informed of the new demarcation undertaken by the Directorate General of Coasts.
The agency under the Ministry of Environment argued that
the affected area was hit by storms and was already included in the space "state-owned land" with a demarcation of 1969, but the sentence, however, concludes that the Administration has not enough justification for that position. Expert evidence

Judges miss some "historical reference" of these temporary and lament the "poor scientific rigor" Coast to determining the new boundary face of two expert evidence put forward by the plaintiffs acknowledge that the current boundary is nearly coincident with that of 1969. José Ortega also reflects on what might have happened if this kind of statement would have been able to come earlier to save the maritime village of Cho Vito, demolished in October 2008 and whose demolition orders had a similar basis, particularly having constructed the dwellings within the defined public domain in 1969.
The coastal path-Puntalarga Galera is the third part of a larger project to regenerate the coast. It has a base budget of 978,000 euros tender and its design affects total property a fortnight or so. The tour will have a length of 400 meters, taking a paved surface over 2,000 square meters. This path will have two entrances to the future great beach of Punta Larga, whose first phase should be completed in late August. In fact, it is expected that by late summer and can be opened to the public the area popularly known as "The Charquito."
From summer 2009 all machines work pace in the first phase of larger project in which the Ministry of Environment invests 2.2 million euros. The company performs works Corsán-Corviam sculpture ranging from fish to the vicinity of the hotel Tenerife Tour. The project includes a central area with a protective breakwater
have a front of 240 meters and another hotel closer to 140 meters in length respectively coronation, with a solarium and walking platforms distributed throughout the surface and formed by suitably oriented wooden pallets. Longing
However, the jewel in the acting and mime that most admires Gumersindo Garcia is the regeneration of the beach itself, whose works have a basic tender budget of more than 19.1 million euros. This beach would come to cover the historic lack of adequate bathing in the Villa Maria and compete with the NEA in Radazul, as the main beach in the metropolitan area. The beach projects two levees to wrap the filling of the beach.
Thus, the dam will start from North Beach south of the ravine current Bodies with a length of 194 meters, while the South is dam from the northern tip of the marina of La Galera and has a length of 235 meters . The beach will have an area of \u200b\u200b15,000 square meters and a length of 500 meters. ABC

Friday, July 23, 2010

Zippo Dries Out Quickly

boundary lines of the Spanish coast

MARM Department of Sustainability of the Coast and Sea
In accordance with the law of costs, the Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, carries out the plan boundaries, handling and passing the files that define line of demarcation of the maritime-terrestrial public domain.
In order to facilitate understanding of this work, the Department of Sustainability of the Coast and Sea has launched a project that provides access line demarcation of maritime-terrestrial public domain and private lands in the area affected protection easement on the cartography of the coastal towns of Spain, or on the fotografías aéreas disponibles. De este modo, cualquiera que esté interesado en un inmueble situado en la costa verá de forma sencilla e inmediata si esa propiedad podría estar afectada por la delimitación del dominio público marítimo-terrestre.

El acceso a esta información se puede realizar de dos formas:

A través del Visor del Ministerio
A través de la Sede Electrónica del Catastro, del Ministerio de Economía y Hacienda, sin necesidad de firma electrónica y disponible en español y en inglés para facilitar su consulta a los ciudadanos de otros países.

En la actualidad the tool allows information see Baleares, Tarragona, Granada and Lugo, although gradual extension is planned to other coastal provinces.

data available in this new query tool are purely informative. Its main function is to publicize and disseminate the work produced to date by the Department of Sustainability of the Coast and Sea to provide better information to citizens. In any case, the information can be tested on each coast Services Peripherals. The display

published two zones delimited by the yellow line to the sea, which is the maritime-terrestrial public domain and between the yellow and green, called protective easement area, which is the area of \u200b\u200bprivately owned land affected by the delimitation of use. For more information on the effects of the boundary can be directed to the FAQ section .

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Spray Shit Stop Smoking

Affected by the Coastal Act calling for an

A. Herrero / Cuntín PL / I. Moreno. Madrid Intereconomia GAZETTE

Recover coast. Pursued by the authorities that we enforce the Coastal Act, in force for 22 years and prevents building within 100 meters from the sea and 20 meters if urban land. Households that do not meet these requirements may be demolished. This is already a reality: hundreds of homeowners have lost their homes on the coast, and there are still 1,000 kilometers of boundaries. But what criteria are established boundaries of public and private property?, Are there interests beyond environmental when setting boundaries? The debate was reopened following the proposals made by the Popular Party of Galicia and Cantabria, Canary Coalition CIU and to amend the Coastal Act was passed in 1988. It was born with a clear goal: to alleviate the situation where was the English coast. However, what happened in the last 22 years in Spain shows this Act and its regulations have not fully met its objectives . From 1987 to 2005, a total of 7.7 hectares of shoreline per day have been replaced by housing developments, hotels and ports. Levante areas and the Canary Islands were the most affected.
Cantabria popular Senator, Leticia Diaz, was one that sounded the alarm. Introduced on Tuesday a proposed "de minimis" to maintain the status of all grants prior to its approval in 1988, until the arbitrator an instrument of urban planning determine which uses are compatible with environmental preservation and the establishment of a valuation. Leticia has told the Gazette that "Costas has not stopped the urban riots, neither before nor after the law." In regard to the Act itself, Diaz reported that does not seem right "confiscation of private property, nor its retroactive effect." And is that the Act has, according to José Antonio García-Trevijano, lawyer specializing in public law, two major problems: "The first is that it defines the public domain in vague terms, which the government of the day places the boundaries (lines that separate property private public) where you want. " This causes, according Trevijano, there are cases like Cadabedo beach in Asturias, where the public domain line is two miles from the sea and other locations within 100 meters. There are boundaries that are "authentic zigzags." Concessions

The second major problem posed by the Act is that the TC approved in 1991 that landowners who were affected by Costas did not have to apply the expropriation but the concession. "With no money to relocate to the number of people affected, are allowed to stay in their homes 30 years extendable for another 30, that is, can stay at home, we never reform them, even painting, until 2018 or even 2048. And then the street. No compensation, no home. Costs that if not kick them out before you crave. This, in Europe, is unprecedented, "said the lawyer.
Currently, Costas has been demarcated and 92% of the English coast, are 1,000 kilometers of coastline to divide. The houses of fishermen from El Puig in Valencia will be the next to be demolished. In September. The people of Calnegre tips in Murcia, are awaiting the decision of the Supreme. The owners of the houses located in Playa de la Viuda, Ojos de Garza and other traditional coastal populations of the Canary Islands letters received demolition orders. So too began the story of the inhabitants of the village of Cho Vito Tenerife, Costas demolished in October 2008.

Friday, July 9, 2010

High School Disciplinary Probation

curb abuses must never lose hope, MG

Congress debate first lower the 1988 Coastal Act

Canaria and CiU coalition force a vote on how to stop the demolitions
RAFAEL MENDEZ - Madrid - 09/07/2010 El Pais

Congress first debated reform draft for lowering the Coastal Act of 1988. Another rule will not have much to do, the Marine Act, which Canary Coalition has submitted amendments to reduce the demolitions and respect the existing homes in the public domain. The PSOE and the PP opposes frowns no cut policy that many votes demolition costs and creates headaches.

The Coastal Act was a melon that nobody dared to open . Adopted in 1988, publicly stated policy throughout the English coast. For those who have a house built on sand legally, the law devised a unique system of compensation: the state let them use their properties up 60 but could not sell them. After that period would by the state to be demolished. The idea was to clean the coast of cement.
The law was fulfilled in the medium gas until 2004, when Cristina Narbona led ministry that accelerated the boundaries (the process to define the public and private area of \u200b\u200bcoastline). Today is demarcated 92% of the nearly 8,000 miles of coastline and reach the litigation process, demolition, complaints to Brussels, mobilization and, finally, the parliamentary debate.
popular spokesman on Environment, Carlos Floriano, says still have no fixed position but does not shy away from the debate: "It is a sacred law has failed its objective, since in these 20 years of operation of the rule is where the coast has suffered more attacks. He has failed to reconcile the environment and respect for private property.
acquired rights were being violated by many people through confiscatory proceedings. "
requests an amendment to reform the law in three months to" review the criteria for delimitation of maritime-terrestrial public domain applicable to consolidated urban areas with singularities "and gives as examples the urbanization of Santa Margarita (Roses, Girona) and the Marina of Empuriabrava. Pere Macias, CiU, says that" in some cases the law is excessive "and that cases like which cites "are in Spain." Macias notes that many of those affected by the law are foreigners, which has earned the Government claims the UK and Germany.
Amendments Canarian Coalition (CC) go much further and give powers to coastal communities. The party calls for "respect the existing buildings and uses" on the coast, though the entry into force of the law was not classified as urban land. CC and PP approved a regional law that saved houses on the beach for their "ethnographic value, but the norm is contested by the Government in the Constitution. Now intends to introduce in Congress to designate the building community to "values historical, ethnographic, architectural and picturesque, that it should be maintained according to their seniority integration in the littoral and social purpose. "

The CP is added to the criticism of the rule and may create a majority for reform

The BNG has not amended the law, but not because I want to keep it as is. submitted another bill to legalize rural communities built before the law but not recognized in this, as the case of Marín (Pontevedra). "We will not open the issue of boundaries, but we are willing to talk about how to save these buildings on the coast of Galicia and Asturias, "says Olaya Fernández MP.
The Environment Ministry has refused to comment on the amendments. The ministry has already submitted a reform point of the rule to allow the houses bought and sold legally on the beach built before 1988. This change was introduced through another law, sleep for a year and a half in a drawer of Congress. The ministry itself has chosen to apply the law less harshly, at least publicly, that the old equipment.
Environmentalists fear that the pressure to impose a cut end. "In Spain the public's expense is recognized Alfonso X the Wise. For the safety of people, the coastal strip should not address and occupation No illegal should prevail over the general interest, "says Rita Rodriguez, WWF, an organization that is alarmed at the movements against one of the most important laws on environment and sustainable.
http://www.elpais EL PAIS .com/articulo/sociedad/Congreso/debate/primera/vez/rebajar/Ley/Costas/1988/elpepisoc/20100709elpepisoc_3/Tes

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Implantation Bleeding 8 Days Before Period

A pioneer sentence saves the demolition of a building of cultural interest Costas

The landlord's lawyer says the resolution evidence insensitivity'' ''in the implementation of the LeyNuevo blow to the intentions of the Directorate General of Coasts in the archipelago.
A High Court ruling of Justice de Canarias (TSJC) delivered on April 9, which has digital access this void the order to demolish a house located in Punta de la Seba, in the municipality of La Oliva (Fuerteventura). Resolution is a pioneer in Spain because, for the first time so far has been able to find this newspaper, a court 'grave' a demolition order based Coastal cultural interest construction.
DC / Santa Cruz de Tenerife

is the case of housing Placido Estévez, a teacher, that one day he met not only with a possessory order to recover their property, to which has never opposed, but with an opinion which involved the demolition of property appraised. The recovery, in fact, is justified by the adoption of a boundary that leaves the area in question into the public domain. Incomprehensible, both the owner and the TSJC is that Costas also been determined to demolish the property beyond retrieve. This situation led to Estévez contact counsel for the National Platform of People Affected by the Coastal Act, José Ortega. He then began intensive work to highlight the heritage values \u200b\u200bof the building, which resulted in a report by an architect skilled in the art. Although there were several arguments, and subsequently accepted by the Court, highlights the fact that the property is public interest and which is included in the Charter Archaeological Fuerteventura, developed by the Cabildo Insular itself.

The file also receive a report from a qualified Heritage Corporation Fuerteventura. According to the specialist, and literally, the description of the area is as follows: "In Caleta of Sheba, according to information from the archaeological map of Fuerteventura, file kept in this department, establishes the existence of a set of stone structures Dry composed of 18 buildings, including 17 near the coast in the which is located malacological abundant material, stone and ceramic. At the surface survey conducted not found the existence of Aboriginal archaeological material and, therefore, was assigned to set a cultural affiliation postconquest, with clear signs of re-use by fishermen, campers, etc., until today. "José Ortega, statements, insisted that this decision "demonstrates the lack of sensitivity of costs when applying the law." Valencian In counsel's view, a theory supported by the TSJC resolution was sufficient, based on the implementation of the demarcation, implementation possessory recovery. The state agency, however, declined to go further with a demolition order has now been canceled. Placido Estevez has also shown its satisfaction with the sentence, after months of a cultural struggle that has cost, of course, put money in your pocket. This school teacher, in fact, has always influenced his only interest was not to demolish the building, which has a habit of using the housing, with the blessing of the government, for extracurricular activities and additional educational of their students.