Monday, June 14, 2010

Windows Movie Maker Wont Open My File

denounce Costas engineers to work as "mafias"

Ortega's lawyer believed to be a "caste" passing reports biased "

Day 14/06/2010 - 24:58
" Reform of the Coastal Act would have to be addressed by mental health and hygiene issues, but more importantly change in officials. Many have thought extreme and dogmatic because this law could make a more sweet. " It is the thinking aloud of Jose Ortega, a lawyer for the National Platform of People Affected by the Coastal Act, which talked with ABC implementation of a document that brings many families head to the islands every night they wake with the nightmare of his home in the sea, eventually demolished by the blades.
Ortega traces the origin of all problems in drafting the 1988 law . Why?, Because at that time applied the "more is better" so that he sets the limits of the public domain will be the maximum time known and ordinary
Valencia's attorney says the law is "impractical" and has "technical defects" while respecting their philosophy to avoid depletion of the coast because of the pressure building
.. It is highly inappropriate
applied linearly with square and bevel the law to the Canary Islands. Here are towns that are very into the sea and must be so because they have always been well ..



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