This is the story of a mythical place on Route 66, we do not know if I will visit but looking forward we will stay:
"One day he came to a hungry local cowboy shouting that he was so hungry I would be able to eat a whole cow passed by the grill.Bob Lee, who ran the place, poured a fillet of almost half a kilo of beef. The cowboy was eaten in a few minutes saying that was still hungry. Was not satisfied until he had finished with two kilos of beef, four and a half pounds, 72 ounces that day carne.Desde Bob Lee announced that he was able to eat what the cowboy had swallowed that day, in less than a time, not have to pay nada.El steak 72 ounces, two kilos, soon became an attraction. Route 66 was filled with posters promising free lunch for anyone who was able to eat everything. Today the Big Texas Steak dish Ranch is a tourist attraction in itself. "
The challenge is this: you have an hour to eat a steak than two kilos of meat, a potato roasted, baked bread with butter, shrimp cocktail and a salad. If you get it for free. If not, you have to pay $ 72 (48 €) in the menu. Except for the amount of meat, seems achievable.
Unlike what one might think, the meat is served in the Big Texas Steak Ranch is one of the best in the region. The restaurant is not only famous for the challenge but also the quality of what you eat there. It certainly is one of those mythical places Texas, with that decoration so characteristic of the Americas.
The challenge has its formalities. Please fill in one document before to take part in it. You eat on a special table with a huge countdown clock. I try that is just before the hearing. A restaurant staff member is responsible for announcing to the rest of the people who are willing to try brave the challenge. In this video you can see whole process. And how far is the candidate to finish the dish.
Unlike other culinary challenges virtually unattainable many people fly without having to pay for food . More than 7,000 people have managed to eat the whole meal since 1960. Their names are retained in a book of honor of the restaurant. More than 42,000 people have tried to eat the giant steak, so we see a success rate of one in every six personas.Cada years on average two women are able to kill the whole dish. The youngest person was able to devour it was a boy of 11 years. The oldest was 69 aƱos.Un place of honor in the history of the restaurant is Klondike Bill, a professional wrestler, he was able to eat two bowls of similar size in an hour of tiempo.Si you like meat and visits Texas, should prove yourself. This is without doubt the best place to see where you can get a steak. It is one of the most common in those who stop when performing on Route 66.
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